Tap Tap Fish - AbyssRium 1.17.0 APK + mode (Gems / Hearts), Android
Tap Tap Fish - AbyssRium
For the rest of the game Nervous AbyssRium - Tap Tap Fish. Level up your stone, you can create your own fish and aquarium is yours! They are waiting for a beautiful beach to explore the world!
How to play?
- Stone exploitation level.
- Make coral vitality doubled.
- Use your fish vitality.
1.Simple Control-- corals and fish with just a simple tap
2. All graphics in HD fish Amazing can see the 3D dimension
3. Whale music-- Lovely background music and sound of water droplets all the guides in a beautiful world.
4. Right (virtual reality) from the base - using cardboard VR mode sucking the joy of your aquarium. 3D- eyes up and to the right, you can see the small fish swimming overhead
Follow-up and contact us
If you have comments or error messages, contact the Help Abyss @ K conewkcom We try my best to answer your valuable feedback.
App permissions:
Tap Tap Fish - AbyssRium 1.8.3 APK requires the following permissions on your Android device.
- Run I / O NFC
- Read external memory.
- Write to external storage.
- Open Network Socket
- Uses vibration.
- Use the information about the network.
- Stop the processor was idle or screen delay.
- Use information about the Wi-Fi network.
What is new
[1.16.0 Update]
- adding new fish and content of the new container Halloween event!
- Baby Wolf Pack Added new package.
- Add Roses' new booster "dark.
- Enter the first Halloween tank, booster bonus is applied immediately.
- Adding a new alpaca package.
- Find new fish, 11 types of fish part of the new hidden couples