Download Satellite Director APK is located in the Tools category and was developed by Zekitez's. The average rating on our website is out of stars. However, this app is rated 4 out of 5 stars according to different rating platforms. You can also respond Satellite Director APK on our website so that our users can get a better idea of the application. If you want to know more about Satellite Director APK, you can visit the official developer website for more information. The average rating is rated by 3682 users. The app was rated 1-star by 2 users and 5-star by 2768 users. The app has been downloaded at least 2984 times, but the number of downloads can reach 59680. Download Satellite Director APK If you need a free app for your Action device, but you need Android 1.6 (Donut, API 4) version or higher to install this app.