raqib atid apk - Speaking of life, is definitely inseparable from doing good and mistakes. Where if you make a mistake usually the mind will respond and feel bad.
Certain deeds must have a record of his deeds. Now in the teachings of Islam, all recorded well in a record in which the task was given to the Angels.
Angels in charge of recording good deeds are called angels Raqib, while angels who record bad deeds are called angels Atid. So recently Raqib atid has become a topic of discussion among netizens.
The reason is, there is an application in the play store called Raqib atid apk where the application is a charity recording application for everything you do.
Surely written and given a point by you and also approximately how many times have done good deeds or bad deeds. Until later compared and presented in graphical form.
In the raqib atid apk application, many sins are written as a category of human daily behavior such as talking about other people or shibah, saying rude, lying, and so forth.
It also provided good deeds or good deeds there such as honesty, charity, and so forth. Until later these two charities compared how much good and bad charity done.
How the raqib atid app works
Raqib atid apk application has a way of working, namely by counting and comparing. For example, how many times and what do you do in one day?
The category of doing good is already there. But for the amount of good that you do is only worth one. Suppose being honest once, then you give yourself one point.
Furthermore, if you do a lie, then you also have to write down the number of times you do a lie on that day, then please enter the points.
From the results of these points, the data will be recapitulated as usual calculations. But you can see what good deeds do often, or what bad deeds do often.
The data will be in the form of graphs that make you can see clearly for one day that you do anything.
You can compare what you do to the most charity. Is good charity or bad charity? You can be sure well and can evaluate yourself.
But it should be worried that this application is only entertainment. Not that you already have good deeds or bad deeds that are so bad.
This application also does not reflect whether you are a very Holy person or a person who is filled with sin. Only for entertainment, this application is enough to make a scene for now.
Raqib Atid apk
Raqib atid apk application after a few days has been lost in the play store. If you look for it using Playstore for now, you can't open it.
In the past two days, the application is actually still accessible via Playstore, but at this time the application is no longer available there.
If you are still curious about the raqib atid apk application you can get it in the file that we prepared below.
Raqib atid application apk is an entertainment application to play counting daily good and bad deeds. You can count good and bad deeds in one day.
Also read: Avatar Sun Effect, This Application and How to Use it
That's our discussion about Ada Raqib Atid Apk, Application of Charity, and Sin Counters. I hope this information is helpful. Keep visiting Kabcara.com so you don't miss the ways and solutions about other technologies. See you in the next article
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