We have epidemic conditions in every country due to coronavirus. Coronavirus spreads rapidly in all countries.
And now the government. USA, UK, Spain, Italy, Germany, etc.
Everyone is looking for the help of apps to control COVID 19.
There are many applications like Daily Secure Access Access to solve many COVID 19 problems and make people aware of this virus.
The Singapore government has also taken action. Controlling the spread of Coronavirus in Singapore.
You have recently launched the Safe Entry of Singapore Coronavirus virus.
The purpose of this secure access is to control the movement of people in shopping malls, commercial buildings, companies, etc.
Before entering any of these locations, you must open the Secure Access Access application and scan the QR code when entering and exiting.
It has already started in some places and it is mandatory to display this QR code to enter some places after May 12.
The Safe Entry application records all data in one place, such as name, contact details, entry, and exit times.
Singapore's Ministry of Health has said that all this data is stored securely on cloud servers and only authorized people can manage this data.
Government. The Safe app was launched to restrict unwanted movement by Singaporeans.
The virus is on the rise in Singapore. New cases appear every day. For this reason, the government has taken this initiative to control COVID 19 in Singapore.
And 19 to release the Singapore COVID and remove all restrictions.
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