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Saw Saw Shar APK для Android скачать бесплатно

4,6 (5)
Программы, Tools
App By:
Myanmar Computer Federation (MCF)
v2.4.10 для Android
июл 07, 2020

Saw Saw Shar APK is a health and fitness app for Android. We offer version 2.4.10, the latest version that is optimized for a variety of devices.

You can choose the Saw Saw Shar APK version that fits off on your phone, tablet, or TV. We support all Android devices like Samsung, Google, Huawei, Sony, Vivo, Motorola.

By choosing the correct version, the Saw Saw Shar APK uses better, faster, and less battery power. You can test the version for other devices running on your device.

Download the Saw Saw Shar APK directly without a Google account, without registration, and without login.


Saw Saw Shar - When transferring and connecting files, the PC application support is transferred from one phone to another without the need for a computer. The simple function makes it easy to transfer photos, videos, files, documents, sender, or recipient files with one click.

Excellent sharing application with fast cross-platform transfer speeds.

Music Share music, share photo, and video share MV, share, share me, share file

Transfer all types of files, applications, music, PDF, Word, Excel, zip, folders at any time.)

A little About Saw Saw Shar APK

The software application was developed and launched by the Department of Transport and Communications (MOTC) of the Department of Health and Sports and the Myanmar Computer Federation (MCF) Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Control and Emergency ICT Team. MOHS), Government of Myanmar.


1.Health Report

Users can record and report their health status related to the symptoms of COVID-19.

2. Instructions and warnings

Important notices and warnings based on locations and potential contacts, restricted areas, and risk areas.

3. Monitor the dashboard

COVID-19 dashboard and statistics from the Myanmar government's Ministry of Health and Sports (MOHS).

4. Card support

Map of user's current locations as well as fever clinics and quarantine centers.

5. Emergency Contact

Official COVID-19 hotline by region and country.

Completely without mobile data usage

Bluetooth 150 times Bluetooth Transfer Speed: Top WiFi File Transfer Master!

Cross-platform support: Android, iOS, Tizen, Windows, PC / Mac

USB No USB connection or additional PC software required

Every day more than 150 million files are successfully transferred

Play music and videos after everything is OK

Function New function [toMP3]: Convert video to audio dio

Main Features

Flash Transfer files at flash speed

Imagine sending your party videos to friends in seconds! The maximum speed can reach 40 Mbit / s.

Send large files without restriction (original size)

Unlimited file size sharing of photos, music, videos, application, documents, and other file types.

Free network and data connection

No cable, no internet, no data usage! You can transfer files anytime, anywhere.

Transfer all file types

Photos, videos, music, installed apps, and other files.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is an APK File?

A: An Android package kit (abbreviated APK) is a package file format used by the Android operating system for the distribution and installation of mobile applications. Just as a Windows (PC) system uses an EXE file to install software, so does Android.

Q: How can APK guarantee 100% security for Saw Saw Shar APK?

A: If someone wants to download an APK file from, we check the relevant APK file on Google Play and allow users to download it directly (of course they are cached on our server). If the APK file does not exist in Google Play, we will find it in our cache.

Q: Can I update the Saw Saw Shar APK from the Play Store when I install APK from

A: Yes, of course. The Play Store installs downloads from Google's servers, with the exception of downloading and installing your service (page loading), and page loading from websites like is the same.

An update will begin as soon as you get the version of the Play Store app in the new version of the Play Store.

Q: Why is Android App Permission needed to download Saw Saw Shar APK?

A: Applications require access to some of your device's systems. When you install an application, you will be notified of all the permissions required to run that application.


This review must have fulfilled all your queries about the Saw Saw Shar APK, now download this amazing app for Android & PC and enjoy it. If you like the Saw Saw Shar APK please share it with your friends and family. 

Скачать Saw Saw Shar APK находится в категории Tools и был разработан Myanmar Computer Federation (MCF)'s. Средний рейтинг на нашем сайте 4,6 из 5 звезд. Тем не менее, это приложение оценено 3 из 5 звезд в соответствии с различными рейтинговыми платформами. Вы также можете ответить на Saw Saw Shar APK на нашем веб-сайте, чтобы наши пользователи могли получить лучшее представление о приложении. Если вы хотите узнать больше об Saw Saw Shar APK, вы можете посетить официальный сайт разработчика для получения дополнительной информации. Средняя оценка оценена 23431 пользователями. Приложение было оценено 1 звездой 12 пользователями и 5 звездочек 15893 пользователями. Приложение было загружено как минимум 7368 раза, но количество скачиваний может достигать 147360. Загрузите Saw Saw Shar APK Если вам нужно бесплатное приложение для вашего устройства Action, но вам нужна версия Android 4.1+ или выше, чтобы установить это приложение.

Что нового

  1. Bug Fixed.
  2. User-Friendly Interface.
  3. A lot of updated Features.
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Package name
MD5 tp8525dd2c9cc6ffd4ce164sfdf6445fd
Download it on play store
Приложение было выпущено на июл 07, 2020 и с тех пор доступно на ApkResult. Текущая версия - v2.4.10, и с тех пор она была загружена более чем 21528 раз с нашей платформы. Приложение доступно на английском и 15 других языках с полной версией, которую вы скачаете. Скачайте APK и откройте его с вашим любимым файловым менеджером. Нажмите на имя файла для установки. Если установка не начинается, вам необходимо включить неизвестные источники в настройках Android. Приложение было обновлено на МММ дд, гггг. Если вы хотите написать отзыв, установите это приложение и оцените его на нашем сайте. Загрузка осуществляется так же быстро, как и наша скорость, и мы бесплатно предоставляем прямые ссылки на все доступные версии Saw Saw Shar APK. Обратите внимание, что мы предоставляем как базовые, так и чистые файлы APK, а также повышаем скорость загрузки для Saw Saw Shar APK. Вы также можете скачать Saw Saw Shar APK APK и запустить его с помощью популярных эмуляторов Android.

Обновлено до версии v2.4.10!